Real Time Weather at VMF's Volcan Mountain Nature Center
Station Location:
The Keith and Priscilla Webb and Family Education Center
22850 Volcan Rd Julian, CA 92036
Lat/Lon: 33.13° N, 116.601° W
Elevation: 4,239 feet, 1,292 meters
Sensors and Tracking: Inside and outside temperature and humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed and direction, rainfall, dewpoint, wind chill
Mesonet Broadcast: Five minute data update interval. Other sites to view this station's data, including historical data:
Weather Underground station ID: KCAJULIA114: Link
NOAA MADIS meteorological observational database station ID: GW0500: Link
MesoWest Surface Weather Maps station ID: GW0500: Link
- Since 2015, the California meteorological "water year" season measures rainfall totals from October 1 to September 30 of the following year.
- Snowfall and water equivalence is tricky to measure accurately with automated systems. When you see news reports, they are measurements from observers using old fashioned rulers and "snow boards". Our system will collect a couple of snowfall inches in the rain gauge, and then measure some of the water as it melts. Bottom line -- we'll do our best to observe snowfall and manually adjust the water year totals to reflect the rainfall equivalence of our occasional snowfalls.