Education Report May 2014
Education Report for May 2014
The month began with meetings for the film festival.
On May 12th-the 15th I screened the films for the Julian Elementary, Middle School and Spencer Valley. There was some discussion after the films and I showed the students pictures from our remote viewing cameras.
On the 18th Sally Snipes hiked many whom attended the festival up the mountain- following a full day of viewing our educational films on May 17th.
Bill Porter continues to build the rock structure at the top of the Sky Island Trail. (He has donated a lot of material and time at this point)
Sheana and I continue to check remote viewing cameras and schlep water up to the Black Oak Seedlings on top of the Sky Island Trail.
On May 20th the Julian Hiking Group walked the Sky Island for the first time and visited our Nature Center. These are the movers and shakers in our small mountain community!
On May 23rd a group of local 5th graders came back up the trail for phase 3 of the Black Oak Seedling Project. Having gathered, planted, and transplanted on previous journeys, they put protective shade and weed abatement cloth around the seedlings on this particular outing.
We encountered a large snake much to everyone’s surprise. Great teachable moment! Bill Porter, who had journeyed up to work on the sky scope, saw the same snake going up and down the trail as well that day.
On the 25th of May we had our first official back packing voyage with the local Boy Scouts. They did us a favor by hauling more bags of mortar up the Trail. (Previously it was done by those much older and creakier) They camped at Sky Island Grove after walking up the road from Hubble Gateway. They then proceeded on to Ferguson Flats, Simmons Flats and the 5 Oaks Trail on the following day. The entire loop was estimated to be about 9 ½ miles. Keith Stringfellow and I had been planning for this trip to happen for some time now. It was a total success. Pictures forthcoming....
On the 28th of May we hosted 30 Kinders and 1st graders on the Santa Ysabel Preserve. We were able to use the new Outdoor Classroom at the Preserve. Thank you Laurel as our docent ambassador to the Preserve!
May 30th will bring some needed help to our Sky Island Trail. Please show up with weed eater for this work- day. We need you! The Grand property needs you too! The work-day begins at 9am at the Grand Property.
Paul Cruz is our new Land Management employee! Working with Paul is a joy. Paul has a great idea for a Fun Run doing the same loop that the Boy Scouts did. This could be a future fundraiser ‘on the mountain for the mountain’.
On the 31st we will be doing a follow up field trip with Fred Jee the geologist. Meet at the library at 10am and we will carpool down Banner Canyon to observe the fault area. We will return to Library at noon.
‘Kids with Cameras’ continues to be a success with the leadership of Jeff Holt. Way to do Jeff!
Sharyl and Larry botanized the Sky Island Trail this month on their trek up to view the blooming monardella and our rare sunflower.
Our Library is much more full now that we have newer books donated by Fred Jee and his wife Eloise. To date they have donated 9 books! Some on: Geology, Native Americans and local fauna. Thanks to all who have donated!
The Nature Center is happening! The wooden carved map is coming soon. The artist who will be carving the map begins work on June 5th.
Happy Summer weather!