Sustaining Friends of Volcan Mountain
The Sustaining Friends of Volcan Mountain is a group of ardent supporters and champions of the mission of the Volcan Mountain Foundation (VMF) that was initiated in 2012. Members help the VMF Board of Directors shape the vision and goals, and their annual gifts provide consistent support to sustain the operations of the Foundation.
Click here to enroll now!
Volcan Mountain Foundation
The mission of the Volcan Mountain Foundation is to strive with intention to conserve and acquire land and practice respectful stewardship through education, public outreach, and resource management to preserve the Volcan Mountain range in its natural state for future generations.
With over 17,000 acres added for preservation since 1988, VMF has worked to protect the watershed and incredibly biodiverse wildlife and wildlands of the Volcan Mountain range, while increasing nature education, public outreach and advocacy for our natural resources.
Sustaining Friends Annual Events
At the planning gathering for the Sustaining Friends group in the fall of 2012, long-time supporters of the organization came together to share their vision of how a supporting friends group might look….what it might offer…and how supporters might be involved. There was a consensus that the group should gather twice annually.
• The Spring Exploration Day is an opportunity for Sustaining Friends to discover hidden gems on and around the Volcan Mountain range and learn about the range up close.
• The Fall Visioning Day is an opportunity for Sustaining Friends to share and discuss progress, accomplishments, future projects and goals.
Sustaining Friends Benefits Card
The Benefits Card program is one way we honor Sustaining Friends' ongoing support of VMF.
Present your personalized Sustaining Friends Benefits Card to a growing list of area VMF Business Partners. Each partner has designed a discount or other offer designed exclusively for Sustaining Friends of Volcan Mountain. You’ll find a variety of restaurants, merchants, accommodations and services represented on the list found here.
Also look for VMF Business Partner window decals in shops around town!

Sustaining Friends Financial Support
As a Sustaining Friends of Volcan Mountain, you are asked to support VMF with a commitment to:
• make an annual gift to VMF of $600 per person ($1,200 per couple)
• support and advise the VMF Board of Directors and attend Sustaining Friends annual events as you are able
• be a spokesperson and advocate for protecting Volcan Mountain
Your donations of any amount can be debited automatically from your bank card account on a monthly or quarterly schedule. Change your preferences at any time. Contact the office for more information or enroll in this program during checkout. |
Click here to enroll now!
Or contact:
Eric Jones, President and Executive Director
Volcan Mountain Foundation
Post Office Box 1625
Julian, CA 92036
[email protected]
Sustaining Friends of Volcan Mountain
Michael Beck
Vicki Bergstrom
Larry & Carolyn Boline
Diane & John Brockington
Christa Burke
Adryenn Cantor
Dennis Cantor
Clifford & Carolyn Colwell
Diane & Stan Coombs
Jay Evarts & Susan Aurand
Joseph J. Fisch Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation
Muriel Gross
Paula Hackman
George & Paula Hauer
Roger & Cynthia Hedgecock
Larry Hendrickson
Jeff & Kristi Holt
Eric & Jennifer Jones
Julian Imports - Stacey Fraser
Judy Kemp
Olive Kerr
Chris Khoury & Linda Corey
Howard & Virginia Levenson
Jeff Lincer
Chris Loughridge
Toni & Marco Marquette
Lesley McClelland
Dennis McConnell & Kimberly Kassner
Mom's Pie House-Anita and Teak Nichols & Staff
Kiki Munshi
Jill Murray
Anita Nichols
Orchard Hill Country Inn-Pat & Darrell Straube
Michael Perry
Allison Pettross
Carol Pike
Michael & Meili Pinto
Sue Randerson
Michael & Paula Rantz
Kurt L. Rasmussen
Ida Rigby
David & Kathleen Rubenson
Greg & Kathy Schuett
Teresa Shanahan
Michael Sherman
Pauline & Bill Storum
Pat & Darrell Straube
Szekely Family Foundation-Sarah Brightwood & Deborah Szekely
Denis Trafecanty and Glenda Kimmerly
David and Mary Van Cleve
Chuck and Tara Wegner
Kathy & Reverend Hannah Wilder
Carol Schloo-Wright & Kenneth R. Wright
VMF truly appreciates every contribution. Please let us know of any errors or omissions.