Volcan Mountain Foundation

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San Diego County, California

Photo by Kathleen Beck


Our wildly successful class in Elderberry syrup making is impelling us to proceed with our second class in Wildcrafting. On October 11th Kathleen Beck and Janice Bina-Smith will offer a Wildcrafting class on the subject of Acorns and Manzanita berries. We will be making Acorn cookies and Manzanita sugar. We will also be sampling the apples that grow on the Volcan Mt. Nature Center property that were planted some 70 years ago! We can only take 12 students, so be sure that you can make the date on October 11th, 10am-1pm, and register early at:

the Explore San Diego’s Backcountry Meetup page or contact the Volcan Mountain Foundation office (760) 765-2300 or [email protected]. There will be an activity fee of $20 for the class and you will walk away with great knowledge and a jar of Manzanita sugar. Please bring a 4 oz. jar for the sugar.

Title Image: 
Photo by Kathleen Beck
Additional Photos: 
Photo by Kathleen Beck